child safety

The cords of window blinds and curtains can pose a risk of strangulation to children. Cord loops on roller blinds, venetian blinds and vertical blinds can cause injury or death particularly to children under the age of three.

A new safety standard for blinds and curtains is in place since 23rd February 2009 - “Irish Standard I.S. EN13120 – Internal blinds – Performance requirements including safety”


If you want further information on any blind safety issue please e-mail us on

Consumer Guide to the Safety of Window Blinds

The National Consumer Agency has responsibility for alerting consumers to product safety issues and ensuring that manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers place safe products on the market.

Here are guidelines to help you make old blinds or curtains safe:

  • Never put a cot, bed, high chair or playpen near a window or patio door where a child can reach a curtain or blind cord
  • Keep sofas, chairs, tables, shelves or bookcases away from windows to prevent children climbing up and reaching curtain or blind cords
  • Cords ending in a loop are particularly risky. Cut the cord to get rid of the loop and install tassels
  • Do not knot or tie the ends together after cutting the cord – this creates a new loop in which a child could become entangled
  • The cords should end at least 1.6 metres (5 feet 3 inches) above the ground so children cannot reach them
  • Replace cords with curtain or blind wands, but avoid possible eye injuries by making sure children cannot reach them
  • Where cords cannot be cut, a tie down or tension device can be used to pull the cord tight and secure it to the floor or wall

Blinds Direct 2 U Blinds will fit safety devices free of charge for any past customer that requests it.
Click here to view the NSAI Safety Document

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